Our Story

InHisSteps.com is a place where the followers of Jesus can come together on the web in an effort to honor God by helping to meet the needs of fellow believers. There are plenty of fundraising sites that allow people to raise funds for everything from personal needs to starting a business. However, this site is intended to be a place where believers in Jesus who are seeking to be good stewards of the resources God has given to them can help to meet the needs of those who are in the body of Christ.

The need for a site were believers could seek to help other believers was highlighted in an article that reported how another fundraising site took down the successful campaign that was raising funds to help Aaron and Melissa Kline. These two publicly declared followers of Jesus were forced to close their family cake-baking business after they were persecuted under the law for exercising their right to free exercise of religion, because they would not make a cake for an event that was contrary to scripture. Then, when a crowdfunding page was set up to help them, it was take down by the fundraising site. (read story)

This highlighted the need for a crowdfunding platform that believers can rely on when they are seeking to help others by sharing some of the resources that God has blessed them with. This is what InHisSteps hopes to provide, a trustworthy place where people can join together in an effort to meet the needs of others with a focus honoring God while they do so.

Nevertheless, Paul's willingness to take up a collection to help the brethren In Jerusalem who had been burdened by a famine is just one example of believers coming together to help meet the physical needs of other believers. Moreover, James 2:15-16 says, "Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?" Thus in providing a means to help believers meet the needs of other members of the body of Christ, it makes sense to make use of the technology that is available to us in this age. So, it is for this purpose that we created InHisSteps.com.

If you would like to help in this effort, then you can join the campaign to support in InHisSteps.

Thank you.

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